Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
BSoc Sci (hons), CQSW, PGDip (Play Therapy)
MA, UKCP. Social Work England registered.
Tel: 07824 833386
E-mail: diana@younghertsminds.co.uk
Young Herts Minds provides therapeutic support to children, teenagers and their families in and around South Hertfordshire.
The challenges posed through childhood and teenage years may at times feel overwhelming for both parents and carers and for young people themselves. Having a professional to turn to, outside family and friendship networks can be a lifeline - a safe place for children and young people to explore and make sense of their feelings; a safe place for adults to share their concerns and discuss a path forward for their family.
If you would like to know more about the services offered by Young Herts Minds please read on or get in touch via email: diana@younghertsminds.co.uk.
Young Herts Minds provides therapeutic support to children, teenagers and their families in and around South Hertfordshire.